Generalization of the reverse charge mechanism for VAT due on imports


Generalization of the reverse charge mechanism for VAT due on imports

Webinar in French

Since January 1, 2022, the VAT due on imports is no longer collected by the French customs authorities but is automatically reverse-charged on the importer's French VAT return.
Import VAT is therefore no longer paid to your French customs agents, thus avoiding complex and costly pre-financing during customs clearance of goods in France.

Re (watch) this webinar organized by the Franco-Belgo-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (CCFBL) and broadcasted on January 26th 2022 where our experts, Emilie Houriez and Mathieu Bometon explain more in details these new measures.

RM Boulanger's role is to find the best solution adapted to your business situation and make sure you can focus on your international expansion.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you need additonal information.
