Meet us at MemberCon 2023 in Liverpool

Come meet us at MemberCon 2023 in Liverpool

We are excited to announce our participation in MemberCon 2023 taking place on Wednesday, July 5th at the Spaces at The Spine in Liverpool.
We invite you to come visit RM BOULANGER's booth and discover how we can assist you with VAT-related fiscal formalities when exporting to the EU.

MemberCon, organised by the Institute of Export & International Trade, is an industry-favourite event with not one but two streams of expert-led panels, workshops and 'ask the expert' clinics discussing the latest pressing topics facing international traders and UK businesses today. With the complexities surrounding VAT and fiscal requirements when trading with the EU, our experts will be on hand to provide valuable insights and guidance to help streamline your export processes.

Whether you’re an industry leader or a new trader entering the market,our team has the knowledge and experience to address your concerns and provide customised solutions tailored to your business needs. We understand the challenges faced by businesses navigating the post-Brexit landscape, and we are committed to assisting you in overcoming any obstacles that may arise.

If you prefer to schedule a dedicated appointment, you can easily do so by reaching out to us through our contact form. Click on "Book an appointment" and select "Meet us at MemberCon 2023 in Liverpool" this way, you can reserve a time slot exclusively for you, ensuring that you receive personalised attention and comprehensive support.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing how we can support your international growth!