2024 VAT Changes in Spain

Make sure you are up to date with the latest VAT changes.

At the end of December 2023, the Spanish government enacted two Royal-Decree Laws impacting VAT rates, with implications for both consumers and businesses from 2024 onwards.

Reduction in VAT Rates for Select Food Products

Effective January 1 - June 30, 2024

  1. Olive and Seed Oils, Pasta: These will now be taxed at a reduced rate of 5%.
  2. Zero VAT Rate on Essential Food Items: This includes common bread (and related frozen dough), various types of milk, cheeses, eggs, and natural products like fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers, and cereals.

Changes in VAT for Energy Products

  • Electricity Supplies

For contracted power ≤ 10 kW and social bonus recipients, VAT is set at 10% for the entire year of 2024.

  • Natural Gas

 A VAT rate of 10% applies from January 1 to March 31, 2024.

  • Biomass Energy Products

Pellets, briquettes, and firewood, as ecological substitutes for natural gas, will also see a VAT rate of 10% until June 30, 2024.

The latest Royal-Decree introduces amendments to the VAT Regulations, primarily stemming from the Budget Law 31/2022. This includes a notable change in the refund procedure for non-EU companies, effective July 1, 2024:  

  1. Power of Attorney Requirement: The first refund request must be accompanied by a power of attorney.
  2. Invoice Documentation: Electronic copies of invoices are required for refund requests exceeding 1,000 euros (or 250 euros for fuel).

These changes indicate a strategic shift in tax policy, focusing on sustainability and cost-of-living considerations. Businesses, particularly those involved in energy and food supply, should review their strategies to align with these new regulations.