Understanding and navigating the landscape of eco-contributions

Understanding how to navigate the complex landscape of eco-contributions!

Access the recording of the webinar here

We are delighted to invite you to a special live event on Thursday 20 July 2023 from 10am to 11am. The aim of this online event is to discuss the subject of eco-contributions and to understand how to navigate this complex landscape.

Eco-taxes have become an inescapable reality for businesses, with both environmental and administrative implications. They are designed to make those who place products on the market more responsible, by obliging them to manage and recycle their products, in line with the "Polluter Pays" principle. These additional charges can have a significant administrative and financial impact on your company's commercial operations, and require a thorough understanding of the regulations in force.

Mathieu BOMETON and Chloé Gobert, experts in this field, will share with you the key principles of these eco-contributions, as well as the technical consequences on trade.

We strongly encourage you to attend this meeting to benefit from this valuable expertise, to ask your questions on the subject and to better understand the regulatory environment of eco-contributions .
Please confirm your attendance by registering using the following form:


Don't hesitate to invite other participants who might be interested in this subject and to send us your questions in advance.

We look forward to seeing you at this unique live event on eco-contributions and to sharing our thoughts and solutions for managing this new reality.