VAT Services
Posting of workers to France
by foreign companies
Your VAT returns will be submitted on a monthly, quarterly, and/or yearly basis, depending on the country of submission. In France for example, the deadline is the 19th of each month following the month of reference (for example July 19th for the VAT return of June).
Representation of posted workers
The mission of the representative
Your VAT returns will be submitted on a monthly, quarterly, and/or yearly basis, depending on the country of submission. For instance, in France, the deadline is the 19th of each month following the month to be reported, meaning that July 19th is the deadline for the VAT return of June.
We ask that required data be sent to us by the 5th working day of the month at the latest, following the end of the period to be filed.
Every 1st business day of the month following the end of the previous tax period, you will receive a reminder email asking you to provide us with copies of the documents required to submit your VAT returns.

What do we need?
We need all your invoices, for both sales and purchases, relating to your transactions in the country where you are being represented by RMB.
- All purchase invoices for deliveries in the country concerned (invoices from EU suppliers, customs declarations for imports done in the country concerned, local purchases with local VAT),
- All sales invoices for deliveries which took place in the country concerned,
- Excel summaries for both sales and purchases
- including invoice number
- invoice date
- customer / supplier name, customer / supplier VAT number
- amount excluding VAT
- VAT amount
- total including VAT
- address of delivery
- country of departure of the goods.
- All other relevant documents such as import and export documents, CMRs, proofs of delivery.
In short, all documents that relate to the movements of goods or to transactions to be declared in VAT returns.
Tips & tricks
- The numbering of your sales invoices can be done per country, which implies a dedicated numbering for all your invoices issued from your FR VAT N°. Important: The numbering must be chronological and sequential.
- If you have no transactions to report, please confirm by email the submission of a Nil VAT return.
- If you have operations which took place before the VAT registration, please contact your account manager @RMB.
- There are several indications that are compulsory and must be shown on your invoices. Please consult with our experts to ensure that your invoices are fully compliant with EU and local laws.
Finally, please keep in mind that RMB must also report any EU dispatches in an Intrastat return. Please note the deadline is the 10th workable day following the period to be reported. Please contact your account manager to know how this may relate to your activities.
The list of the data required on goods for Intrastat returns is the following:
- HS code (8 digits),
- The net weight (Kg),
- The value in EUR,
- The country of dispatch,
- The country of origin,
- The country of destination,
- The VAT N° of the recipient.